地区 | 佐敦/尖沙咀 |
物业类别 | 住宅 (整间出租) 出租 |
住宅类别 | 其他 |
物业地址 | 尖沙咀德成街2号 |
住房间隔 | 2房1厅 |
实用面积 | 实用面积 511 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 32000 /月 |
按金 | 按金 2 个月 |
租约期 | 24 个月 |
入住日期 | 随时 |
租金包括 |
全新未住一手新房,位於尖沙咀德成街2号,2房1廳带2个洗手间,實用面積511平方尺。租屋交通方便,近巴士站、近火車站。附近有便利店、超市、游泳池、公園、商場、運動場、診所、餐廰等設施。 管理完善 ,間隔四正 ,廳大房大 ,連露台 ,向南 。新樓配有會所 ,旺中帶靜,樓下有711及多家餐館,旁邊有各種店舖和購物中心。黃金地段,交通便利 ,步行一分鐘至港鐵佐敦站,兩站地铁至金鐘,三站至中環。步行三分鐘至九龍木球會,五分鐘至九龍公園(大型公共泳池),十五分鍾至ICC/九龍高鐵站。临近香港理工大学和香港科学馆。有匙即約即睇,免佣。 住房內已包括全新空調、熱水爐、洗衣機、煮食爐、冰箱、衣櫃等設備。 整套出租,租金每月$32000,按金為2個月租金。租金已包括大廈管理費用,水電、網絡則由租客自付。租約期24個月,隨時入住。住房內禁止吸煙、禁止養寵物、欢迎带孩子的家庭,租客性別不限。 Brand New Property with high quality and good taste. 24-hour security, good property management with Gym and stylish clubhouse. Useful Partition , Spacious Living Room with Balcony and spacious Bedrooms with build-in wardrobes. Open kitchen, brand new new fridge, microwave and washing machine. Quiet and Convenient Neighborhood , 711 and several restaurants just downstairs, various shops and shopping malls, cinema, church and large choice of restaurants in walking distance. Golden location with very convenient transportation , 1 minute’s walk to MTR Jordan Station( which is just 2 stations from Admiralty and 3 stations from Central). Well connected by buses as well (3 stops to TSIM SHA TSUI star ferry). Kowloon Cricket Club is 3 minutes by walk, Kowloon Park (with a huge and renowned swimming pool) is 5 minutes by walk, and ICC/ Kowloon high speed railway station is 15 minutes by walk. Near The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and Hongkong Science Museum. No smoking, not pets but family with kids are welcomed.