地区 | 黄大仙 |
物业类别 | 住宅 (整间出租) 出租 |
住宅类别 | 其他 |
物业地址 | 毓華里51-59號 |
住房间隔 | 1房1厅 |
实用面积 | 实用面积 316 平方尺 |
租客要求 |
租金 | HKD 10000 /月 |
按金 | 按金 2 个月 |
租约期 | 12 个月 |
入住日期 | 随时 |
租金包括 |
萬年戲院大廈 交通方便(小巴5分鐘到黃大仙地鐵站、10分鐘到浸會大學) 來回中文大學、理工大學、城市大學、浸會大學方便 區內配套完善(樓下有商場、公園、室內運動場、球場、診所,美食眾多,價格親民) 景觀開揚,一房一廳 洗衣機、冰箱、冷氣機、熱水爐、煮食爐齊備 房間、客廳、廚房及廁所都有窗戶,採光度十足 商住兩用,近學校村,學校林立,如開補習社,客源充足 尤其歡迎大學生及教育界職工,優質租客價錢可議 租約期可半年至兩年 直接聯絡業主,免中介費 Manning Theatre Building It only takes about 5 minutes to Wong Tai Sin Station by minibus and 10 minutes to Hong Kong Baptist University by bus. It is convenient to travel around CUHK, PolyU, CityU and BU. Within 5-10 minutes walk, you can access a shopping mall, a sports centre, playgrounds, clinics and lots of restaurants with tasty dishes and good price. The flat is single-room, with a fridge, a washing machine, a water heater, two air-conditions, stoves and a dining table provided. The flat can be used for both residential and commercial purposes. There are numerous primary schools and secondary schools nearby so it would be a good place to run a tutorial centre. Students and teachers are especially welcomed. The rent is negotiable for good tenants. Please feel free to contact.