馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港
HKD $ 5300
馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港馬鞍山有房出租  Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park - 沙田/火炭 - 房间 (合租/分租) - Homates 香港

馬鞍山有房出租 Rooms Available in Ma On Shan, close to CUHK & Science Park

Heng On


地区 沙田/火炭
物业类别 房间 (合租/分租) 出租
住宅类别 其他
入住日期 随时入住
物业地址 Heng On
住房间隔 3房1厅
实用面积 实用面积 60 平方尺
  • 禁止抽煙
  • 禁止养宠物
  • 禁止孩子
租金 HKD 5300 /月
按金 按金 1 个月
租约期 12 个月
入住日期 随时
  • 网络费


有兩間客房出租,將於 2021 年 10月起出租。
每間客房租金是 5300 元。

您將與其他 2 位室友合租這套公寓。該單位位於馬鞍山附近,山景優美,空氣清新,單位面積約550-600平方尺,房間約60-70平方尺。

房間包括一張桌子、一把椅子、一個衣架/衣櫃和一張帶床墊的單人床。它相對寬敞明亮。步行 5-7 分鐘到恆安地鐵站,步行 5 分鐘到所有巴士站,幾乎可以到達香港的任何地方。靠近中大,有直達巴士,不到5分鐘,比地鐵快。直達大埔的小巴和前往觀塘、荃灣等許多其他地區的巴士。靠近沙田中心。大約 30 分鐘 - 1 小時的巴士旅行時間到中環(取決於一天中的時間),CWB(45 分鐘 - 1 小時)。


大樓後面有一條跑步/自行車道,所以如果您喜歡戶外活動,這是完美的選擇。您甚至可以從建築物後面徒步上摩斯山,步行 15-20 分鐘即可到達岸邊,乘坐巴士/火車 5-10 分鐘即可到達烏開沙海灘。


Two rooms are now available for rent in Ma On Shan, near CUHK, Science Park, and ShekMun. 

The amount of rent is for 1 room. 

You'll be sharing this flat with 2 other flatmates. The current roommate is working on his Ph.D. in CUHK. This flat is situated right by the Ma On Shan Mountain, it has a very nice mountain view and fresh air, flat size is about 550-600 sq feet, the room is about 60-70 sq.ft. 

A desk, a chair, a clothing rack/closet, and a single bed with a mattress are included. It's relatively spacious and bright. 5-7 mins walk to Heng On MTR station, and also 5 mins walk to all bus stations connect to almost any parts of HK. close to CUHK, there is a direct bus that goes there and takes 5-10 mins, faster than going by MTR. Direct minibus to TaiPo and buses to many other areas such as Kwun Tong, Tsuen Wan, etc. Close to Shatin Center. About 30min-1hr bus travel time to Central (depending on the time of the day), CWB (45min-1hr). 

International students and professionals are welcomed. Utility fees are evenly split with other flatmates, wifi included. Shared living room, bathroom, and kitchen. We also have a cleaning lady who comes once every 2 weeks for 4 hours of cleaning, the charge is $400 each time and split among the roommates, so it's $130-140 for every time she comes over. 

There's a running/cycling trail right behind the building so it's perfect if you are an outdoorsy person. You can even hike up to the MOS mountain from behind the building. It's about 15-20 minutes walking to the shore, 5-10 minutes bus/train to Wu Kai Sha beach.  

Flatmates are very friendly and are professional. Let me know if you need to check out the flat :) Pls WhatsApp me at if you'd like to see the flat.


  • 禁止抽煙

  • 禁止养宠物

  • 禁止孩子




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  • 热水炉

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