




新加坡大概有三种房屋: 政府租屋. 租金相对便宜, 大量房源,整租,单间,合租都很容易找到. 私人公寓. 租金相对高一些.也有大量房源,整租,单间,合租都很容易找到. 排屋和独栋. 租金相对更高,房源不多. 一般租房子都是通过中介. 各种租房信息网,报纸都有大量的信息. 根据租房期限付中介费.一般都是一年一签,中介费为半个月房租.押金1到3个月. 还有一种方式就是找大街上找小广告~ 不过不太靠谱...

Tenant tips: How to up your negotiation game when renting in Singapore


If there is anything that you should take home from this guide it’s this: renting prices are always negotiable and nothing is set in stone. What is more, negotiation margins can be rather large, making it worth investing some time in getting negotiation-s