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budget 6000 work Administrative from Hong Kong

你好,想招好室友!可即時入住 日出康城領都7座高層LA單位 💰租金:6000 共用衛浴,廚房,客廳🛋️包上網費; 家電齊全🪑備有電動麻雀機 🀄️ 希望roommate乾淨企理 房內已有組合床櫃 隨時拎包入住 please contact me at 9(5)03 8(4)32.

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budget 5000 work Others from Hong Kong

現正招一名室友 Flatmate wanted!! 地點:元朗村屋 (走路10-15分鐘能到形點商場Yoho Mall) 性別:不限 入住:2025年3月/4月 必須有良好的衛生習慣 好相處 不怕貓 懂得互相尊重彼此 Location: Village house, Yuen Long (10-15 mins' walk to Yoho Mall) Gender: No preference Move-in Date: March or April 2025 Remark: Looking for a tidy, easygoing flatmate who isn't afraid of cats and respects others' space. 有意者 >>> TG: chow1120

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budget 5000 work Retail from Hong Kong

Hi 我叫Eva,想穩夾得黎嘅女仔一齊夾租,我本身係元朗租緊屋住但roommate之後唔繼續租,目前我有3隻貓貓一齊住,如果你有興趣同埋唔介意有寵物嘅請聯絡我 TG:abcdef112233445566

New roommate

budget 5000 work Administrative from Hong Kong

I am easygoing, looking for potential flatmates to share a flat so we each can pay less rent. I wake up at 8:00am and sleep around 11:30-12:00pm. I tend not to take long showers. Prefer someone not messy and not dirty.

May 1 move-in
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budget 5000 work Medical from

Mar 1 move-in
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budget 8000 work Catering from Mainland China


Mar 5 move-in
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budget 35000 work Finance from


Mar 15 move-in
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budget 8000 work Others from

一個人住,唔太鍾意social, 平時都唔會煮嘢食,最好同男嘅合租,避免太多生活上唔協調

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