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Flatshare matching service in Homates

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budget 8000 work Education from Hong Kong

Sleep early and get up early, like cooking and traveling, hope to live some where with good air condition and near nature, but convienient. Work at Admirlty so far.

Jan 12 move-in
New roommate

budget 5000 work Self-Employed from


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budget 9000 work Education from London

I'm an easy going, very clean, very tidy and quiet house guest. I work part time here in HK and also study part time so I am looking for a quiet place to study when I am not working. I'm a good cook, and a non-smoker. Any questions you have please do not hesitate to ask.

Jan 2 move-in
New roommate

budget 6000 work Student from Hong Kong

而家讀緊大專 平時很會照顧別人感受,需要溝通的事我唔會收收埋埋 會將事講清楚 我係屋企比較整潔 總愛把雜亂的東西收搭好 也會定期清潔廚房和洗手間 平時我很少帶朋友到家中聚會 但我都鍾意識新朋友 唔介意室友帶朋友上來 我都比較鍾意傾計 如果有咩心事都可以搵我傾喔 希望能找到一個喜歡聊天、好動的女生室友 租屋預算大約六千元

Jan 3 move-in
New roommate

budget 2000 work Student from Hong Kong

性格柔和,平時凌晨一點前睡覺 希望可以找到一個同樣性格柔和的室友

Dec 31 move-in
New roommate

budget 7000 work Education from Hong Kong

我生活習慣比較健康,一般早睡早起,自己煮嘢食。工作時間會係大概4-9:30pm,比較多時間居家工作。 喜歡結交朋友,和人分享生活開心傷心事。

Feb 1 move-in
New roommate

budget 60001 work Finance from


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New roommate

budget 12 work Finance from

Jan 1 move-in